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Sunday, May 19, 2013

I'm Back!

It is strange entering back into this dusty blog that I once called home.

Suddenly, I am forced to move again and uncertainty is bleeding back into my life. I feel like this blog is a comfy old cabin that I boarded up the windows and nailed the door shut on. I'm quite glad I left it here in the cyber-wilderness though, in case I needed it again.

This new direction might finally be the one that re-establishes some kind of security for me. I will be walking extensively again of course, since that is the inspiration for this blog in the first place, and relating my adventures and philosophy along the way.

And this time I have great friends (my musical partner, Gary Tucci and his fiance, Patty Hill) to stay with. So, though my 2011 adventures were experienced as a homeless man in the city, these coming days will find me in a friendly home, but FAR out in the country.

I have been living in Buxton, Maine for the last 20 months...

Buxton, Maine

It is a great town and filled with beautiful places to walk. I will now be moving farther north, and directly to the east of Sebago Lake, to the lovely town of Casco...

Casco, Maine

Thankfully - unlike 2011 - I will have my loyal cat, Buddy with me...

Alex and Buddy Wall

And I know that together he and I can survive anywhere. I will miss the roads and friends I met in Buxton. But all things must pass. As Gary and my recent Blue Window song states, "All will be coming new."

I welcome people back to this blog and invite new friends to join me on this new and interesting journey that is about to begin. As was the case in 2011, I will include many videos, pictures and audio files to keep my readers busy. Also, this time around, there should be many cross references with Blue Window, and links between this blog and the band's blog.

Until I am able to find other sources of income in my new home, I will rely on writing this at this blog for whatever donations people choose to make.

I have a good feeling about this new chapter of my life. I move into it with a re-filled bag of golden coins; my coins of hope. Thank you all for your support and get ready to have more fun!  It's all about the journey... That's why IWALLK.