This is the second part to the last essay, inspired by Larry Cooper’s question…
“Brother Alex , Im curious as to your Thoughts , opinion n Prophecy as to what the future history of 2020 may say . Albeit yes youve stated much of what needs to Be done already , But Will We ?, Or will we / mankind , try to go back to the Old Normal or Actualy CHANGE For the Better , Or Are WE FUBAR . IMO Hope is one thing yet Action is Another . Or Just play the fiddle while Rome & the Titanic Sinks ...The Only Constant Is Change.”
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First, the background and motivation for my ideas…
I have a Spark. You do too. We all have one—be it known by a different name for each of us. It is not God. It is not personal. It DOES however possess a Will of it’s own: the Expression of the Will of the Original Parent.
Mine craves to become fused with me, and thence become a Real person. Until then, it is (it may crudely be called) an “entity”—yet, of the highest spiritual kind.
Before the beginning of everything, were the Sparks gathered—as Absolute Unity, and in my belief system (which should never be anyone else’s!), the Spark was and is a piece of the spirit substance of the Original Creator Parent, whose Will it represents, as He/She/They exists at the Center of Infinity, and at both “ends” of Eternity.
The Sparks fly out without restriction from the Absolute perfection of the Center into the still-evolving realms of space and time, to indwell the minds of evolutionary human beings.
As physically, developmentally, socially and spiritually varied and diverse as those inhabitants of the billions of planets may be, the Sparks that reach them are uniform in Will and mission; only being altered by former indwellings and the experiences gained therefrom.
In my case, and over a life time of deep mind exploration and real-world experience, I know that there was at least one mind that my Spark indwelt before me. I know a greater amount of detail than I would have, had I not thought to investigate the matter (most people don’t realize the situation and never investigate it).
I can say, and have written about, the man who hosted my Spark before it became mine, because the Spark has shone me these memories that It holds, in proportion to ratcheting up of the gaining of wisdom that I acquired. Try it for yourself! It works.
The Spark’s former host (he was named after an ocean on his world, so I call him, “Okeanos”) lived on a planet more socially evolved than Earth is today, slightly more advanced technologically, and more spiritually settled. That world was in communication with the other inhabited worlds around it and with what we would consider to be “unseen” beings (on normal worlds human vision allows more interaction with “the others”). But Oceans world was going through a “rebellion” of the Luciferian kind, yet long before Lucifer proposed his plans in our more local space. I know this all sounds crazy, but hear me out, even if you see it as fiction.
Okeanos was a prominent musician and cultural leader. Until he was taken in by the spiritual rebels, his work had brought joy to millions of people, and “his heart was lifted up” and flattered by the apostates. Needless to say, there is a huge story about what happened next, that I hope to go into someday, but not today.
Suffice it to say that he learned from the Spark (now MY Spark) that if he followed the rebels into open warfare he would not be resurrected in the next world when he died. Instead, he would (and did) LOSE HIS SOUL—the counter part to the Spark—the eternal substance that, with the Spark, would have allowed the personality fusion, and thus eternal life.
In an act of passion (or to make a point) he chose to kill himself by immolation—locking himself in a kind of trash incinerator, while his wife pounded on the glass door trying to stop him. That moment was a profound memory for the Spark! So much so, that even *I* can remember the look on her face as the flames burst in. I sometimes wonder what happened to her? I have seen women who remind me of her—even though she wasn’t mine, personally. Did her Spark follow his to OUR world? Would make a good Netflix series!
So, when I speak of the Spark, there is implied a heavy relationship to how I see my life as the continuation of IT’S life, and how I see my role in the story of our more primitive world.
Earth - at this time in our evolution - is a far more manageable kind of place in some ways. We don’t yet have spiritual wars. Our wars are still of the blowing-up-your-fellow-man kind. Red blood-soaked battlefields are the barbaric stage we are seemingly stuck in and use to determine who “wins.” We haven’t even come close to recognizing unseen forces and beings, and we are even less in tune with the fact that the greatest part of the Universe of Universes is NON-material. We’re getting there, though.
But as our great minds discover forces that allow for growth in technology, our childlike grab-it-and-make-a-million-dollars rushes in, before we even know how to handle the other side of energy (the Reaction to Action). We have issues like oil spills, a warming atmosphere filling up with CO2, nuclear power accidents, and even runaway viruses who were perfectly happy inside bats, until we chopped them up for food in places where cleanliness is pretty fucking far from godliness. The real arrogance, of course, came from not thinking a pandemic could happen in the modern world.
Processed food (for example) or anything leading to obesity, cancer, diabetes, etc, or the fire waiting in thousands of nuclear missile warheads easily launched with a simple computer error, or by a future despot who wants to burn the WHOLE world down, rather than be listed as an idiot in the history books…these things are REAL THREATS. But we treat them like afterthoughts.
So, what does the Spark tell me about the future? Well, it doesn’t tell me that human survival is assured. It doesn’t tell me that super beings are coming to save us, or that Jesus is on his way back, ready to amaze us with miracles. It doesn’t tell me that aliens are hiding behind the moon for just the right moment! No. No. No.
Since my surgery, the Spark has migrated more toward my soul. It isn’t as easily differentiated anymore, as a “voice” (which it never really was anyway). I have willed it Control over my thoughts. Interestingly this does not prevent my hair-trigger temper, depression, anxiety, or any related mental illnesses to be avoided. Things have actually been terribly difficult for me in those other ways. Human ways. Personally, I know that most of my work has to be done on fixing these human faults in myself and focusing them on one final life mission. It has been difficult, to say the very least.
But I will tell you my “Sense” as it may (or may not be) imparted by the Spark…
Our planet is an evolutionary sphere. That means life is implanted or otherwise develops from ONE SINGLE CELL. If there are greater beings among us it is absolutely forbidden for them to interfere with this physiological evolution, once humans have evolved. Even before the advent of human-sized brains (capable of non-material thought, foresight, and wisdom, and therefore AN AFTERLIFE), there was no interference in the normal natural growth lines of living things as they descended down through the ages.
While Einstein was clearly averse to the idea of chance, saying “God does not play dice with the Universe!” there is in every sub-Absolute sense, chance occurring all around us! Quantum mechanics clearly shows that all things and events are in a superpositional waves until they are observed. Observing is called collapsing the wave. FACT. This shows that consciousness is the MOST fundamental force in the Universe—even on our dark world.
With all of this in mind, we as a species are part of nature; literally derived from it, but because of our access to Universal consciousness we can - to a lesser or greater extent - MAKE the world we want. We have spent roughly a million years trying to live away from nature.
Much of that time, we had damn good reasons! It’s friggin’ cold out there in the winter, and hot out there in the summer! Take it from me, it sucks to be homeless and caught out in the rain, or plunging through a thick woods in pitch dark. So with these big brains, we developed shelter, found water, grew food, built fires…leading eventually to detonating atom bombs, launching space shuttles, and giant feed lots of McDonald’s beef cattle. Again, though, it has been all about solving a discomfort (pick your example) temporarily without any concern about how the development of that solution will impact the future. That is animal thinking, not human thinking.
Point?: WE HAVE THE MINDS TO MAKE THIS EARTH A PARADISE OF PEACE AND SPACEFARING CONVENIENCE. We do! There is nothing in the natural world that prevents us from making heaven on earth. There is no food shortage for the billion people who go to sleep hungry. There is no dollar shortage to allow housing for every single human on the planet. There is no cosmic reason why all people are not given medical care FIRST——F…I…R…S…T, before worrying about whether the economy is still growing at 3%. WE—I’m saying. WE, as a species, are to blame, not nature.
In the former part of this essay, I gave you the doom and gloom. Were I a betting man, I’d bet on the doom and gloom. That’s why I wrote it. But, at the end I said it was the lack of LOVE that is dooming our gloomy human race. I suggested to you above that it is the Human Will that has True Power - channeled from the Original Parent, with the full force of unspeakable divinity. This Power is not only extent in our personal lives, but is jacked-up exponentially when approached standing beside other people as a team along with our own dear individual selves! We know this. It is why we CAN make good things happen when we’re really pressed to.
The ultimate challenge for humanity is to LOOK WITHIN itself. Look within yourself, as I look within myself. It can also BE a collective act. I see you there as my sister or brother, and you see me there—on this inside. Each of us is a GOOD LOVING person. We are! No person of average morals wants to see other people suffer and die. Yet, we forget about this ultimate God-given (if you will) power that we possess to work together.
So, you made it this far reading! Good for you! You may be not so far from your own personal solution AND your (and my) world’s solution!
If you want a more optimistic evaluation about 2020 and the years that will follow, I predict this: Terrible things are still going to happen. They will characterize life through the end of this year. We deserve a bloody nose. We deserve a LONG night of the collective soul. We deserve to PAY for our transgressions. That’s how energy works. We took an awful lot. And, now we must PAY, with interest!
But, we are not immortally hell-bound “sinners in the hands of an angry God!” We don’t deserve species extinction (even after foisting that fate upon hundreds of other species). We are cosmic children fooling around with Daddy’s shotgun, perhaps spoiled by our own hubris and overly active intelligence, while neglecting our moral responsibility to each other and the whole planet. One of the first human beings might have put how we think into five prescient words: “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Still, we are just as important as all the rest of life.
IF we can rid ourselves of relying on human (as opposed to Cosmic) ideologies completely - and I DO mean COMPLETELY, within ourselves, and thence within society - we will begin to *think* for our individual selves, we could turn 2021 into the best year on Earth! Why? It’s a matter of IF’s and COULD’s.
We COULD recognize that the age of Nationalism is over forever. We COULD become Planetary Patriots! The planet is in for far greater dangers in the future. Be a Planetary Patriot and PREPARE, TOGETHER!
We (the citizens of the world) COULD draw up a Declaration of Independence from the Billionaire Caste. Choose the richest 8 and put their little noses to the grindstone. MAKE them understand that there is no more rationalization for unbridled, endless accumulation of wealth, thing fetishism, consumer shopping for sport. Stop buying useless shit you don’t need it, just because TV is telling you to do it! Remember, TOILET PAPER was the most valuable thing when we all lost our marbles…not salad shooters!
We COULD turn the militaries into ONE global disaster recovery machine. That is what it will end up being by default anyway. For the first time in world history ALL nations (except the US) have already agreed to a world-wide ceasefire. MAKE U.S. LEADERS follow suit!
We COULD make healthcare, access to healthcare, and the RIGHT to healthcare a HUMAN RIGHT across all nations. IF we don’t do this consciously, we will do it at the end of a virus-barrel, loaded gun (or many of them!) anyway—as we are currently being forced, until we CHOOSE to do it. Make Universal Healthcare the number one priority—starting TODAY!
We COULD - and this is perhaps MOST important - realize that the Right vs Left social war, that is on track to becoming a SHOOTING war in america, and then across the globe, is actually based on a false premise. That premise presumes that loyalty to political platforms is more important than loyalty to our fellow sisters and brothers. Get rid of the criminal, autocratic, greed-based leaders in the highest posts by doing whatever is necessary. IF not, seriously, WE WILL ALL DIE.
I have no idea whether this writing will be (most likely) ignored—because Americans seem to have one-sentence attention spans, or my three most loyal readers will be ready to go out into the world proclaiming these ideals.
What I DON’T want is for people making ideologies around what *I* say. I do NOT hold the answers. What I have in a concave mirror that I hold up to Reality as I see it. If you see an answer there that matches your own belief system, make it Real.
I wrote a song for my mom. To me, the most important lines could apply to you all, and I offer it with all the love and sincerity I can express…
* * *
There’s so much more to do
So many ways to sing
But I will be here with you
At the end of everything
* * *
Whether we die or survive together, it was an incredible life (if a rather sad one) for me on this blue speck of mist, circling a back water star.
I Think There IS still hope. 

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