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Saturday, June 18, 2016

A Living Magazine - Day 362 - Homecoming - Arlington: Boston Blues

I woke up feeling down. I'd had a dream that I was renting a space in a shopping mall. It was a lawn of fake grass, with deck furniture all around. I'd had my tent set up there for a long time, but was being evicted for some reason. I didn't know what I was going to do. 

It was time to make my practice walk to North Station. I  stopped in at Dunkin Donuts to get online and make sure I knew the route. It was Mass Avenue merging on to Cambridge Street near Cambridge Common, then across The Plaza at Harvard on through South Cambridge, over Monsignor O'Brien Highway next to the Museum of Science, and finally left onto Nashua Street which leads directly to North Station. It was nearly six miles. And I was off... 

Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis). Looks like a morning glory plant (Ipomoea), and is
sometimes called such, but it is a different species. The plant above is perennial in the north, 
whereas true morning glories are annual.

These were great.

Spring cleaning a dorm.

The Plaza.

I didn't realize how cool East Cambridge was...

Mosaics at the Senior Center.

Never seen goslings before, but a whole bunch were chewing grass by the Charles River.

North Station. Yep, no problem getting here.


Center Plaza.

Burial Ground on the corner of School and Tremont.

Two children.

The vent that runs all the way down to the subway.

I needed a break and wasn't feeling very good. I don't know if I was a bit sick or maybe depressed, but the enthusiasm just wasn't happening. I sat for a good hour in the park, just people-watching, trying to find a better mood. I decided to read On the Road for a while. It took me away from my own thoughts. After a few chapters I was ready to head back out of town...

Boston Common.

Winter Street.

Like a canyon.

Click the picture.

I don't think I'd want the corner office.

This was awesome! It was actually a really small sticker on a utility box.
Very appropriate though. One of the greatest things about being back in New England
is the ability to buy cheap pizza on every street...if one has money, that is.

Sheriff's Office.

The good 'ole Duck Boat.

I was hungry and thirsty, with not much money left. I stopped into a little market on the Cambridge side of the Charles. They had a good sized bag of grapes for $2.99. I snagged it and ate them on the way back out to West Cambridge...

This was a very odd sight.
Hadn't seen California poppies (Eschscholzia californica) since being on the West Coast.

I don't know... I saw a mustachioed face in these tire marks.

I got back to "my" part of town just as the sun was setting. The sunsets here have been fantastic. I've been fortunate to have had a string of nice days. I didn't feel good though; a physical/psychological condition that would worsen the next day and then be exacerbated the day after by a very serious PayPal issue. This end of the Journey was turning into a real drag--more than a drag. The time I'd thought for the last year would be the highlight was turning into bad trip. I found it very difficult to look forward, when there was nothing to look forward to. The sunset should have raised my spirits. It didn't...

I went back to the sleep spot and set up the tent, then stood around and counted the wood roaches scampering all over the tree, flicked mosquitoes off my legs and watched the waxing moon shine more brightly as the sky darkened.

I wasn't happy at all and I wasn't sure what to do about it. Frankly, I was feeling abandoned. I crawled into the tent and used my inflatable light to read a few more chapters from On the Road. It helped a bit. And when I started to nod I turned off the light and fell asleep.

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