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Sunday, July 19, 2015

A Living Magazine - Day 28 - Penny for Your Thoughts

Woke up in the field, rested--if not completely (4 hours of sleep). I finally got to see my surroundings. Wow...

My view of the mesa.

Top view of the mesa--the white line is an old abandoned airstrip.

Quick scan around the field.

The field entrance.

I walked toward what was obviously a town. I had a feeling it was White City; the only possibility for the distance and direction traveled. There was no sign. Along Kirtland - the road I was traveling - there were miles of blackberry bushes, just becoming ripe...

I stuffed a plastic bag with them and ate along the way. Here is a shot after most had been eaten...

Blackberry breakfast.

There were some trees I had never seen before, and would love it if one you can fill me in on the kinds. For example, this one had "fruit" that looked vaguely like long thin okra, though it was rock hard, and appeared to be a single seed...

Moving closer to the town, I passed large factories, industrial plants and, as I smelled immediately, an expansive sewer treatment plant. Technically, I was in a town called Central Point, just west of White City...

Giant evaporation fields for the sewer treatment plant.

Outside the plant was tree I saw all over the place in Norther California and now I know what it is - a Persian Silk Tree - this was a beautiful specimen...

Wood product production was pretty important too. Here is a giant pile of wood mulch...

The first store I saw in White City was the Mark-It 62. I stopped in and met Penny, a really friendly manager. She let me use their store Wi-Fi, and I was able to get online and check out google Maps. It was a real help. We talked for awhile and I told her about my project. She filled me in a bit about Oregon. I gave her a card and hope she checks out this blog...

Later, I went to McDonald's to use the Wi-Fi, where I was able to post yesterday's entry. When I left, I caught sight of their little koi pond; never seen that before...

I also got this shot of the mountain view...

I went to Wendy's later and was able to plug in and charge the laptop. I worked there until the afternoon got late. I had decided to walk to Grants Pass during the night, retracing my steps--possibly sleeping at the same place for a few hours along the way. And, I caught this beautiful sunset...

Sunset over White City.

The crescent moon and Venus

I walked 5 miles back toward Route 99. I was tired, and I did decide to sleep at the same field. I fell asleep just as quickly as the night before, with a few bite from the local mosquito gang. This is something I will have to address as I travel further northward. It was a good sleep though. 

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