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Saturday, November 28, 2015

A Living Magazine - Day 159 - As Simple As It Gets

The new sleep spot was perfect. I could have stayed there all day. I slept in until about 8:00 am and then packed up, but left my tent poles hidden--they are  pain in the ass to carry in the backpack. I knew they would be safe. I walked to Wal-Mart and got online at their McDonald's for a little while, but ran into the tightening Wi-fi problem. So, it was off to the other McDonald's, just over a mile away. 

Walking down to the other McDonald's, I passed the strip mall library to see if they might be open. No dice. Black Friday was just too strong a force. Actually, the employees were simply having a long weekend. The words "Black Friday" were unthinkingly posted on their site. An unfortunate use of terms, making it sound like a holiday unto itself...  

The trek to McDonald's from there was short. Unfortunately, I had to buy something, even though I wasn't hungry. Such is the deal with restaurant hotspots. I got two posts published, and was catching up. But, I ran out of steam after about four hours, and got sick of dealing with the splash page thing again.

It was beginning to look like I would never see the downtown area and was about five miles from it. I had checked for a Starbucks and the only ones were at least three miles distant, with none actually downtown. Quite strange.

Monday looked like the best time to explore downtown, if it was going to happen at all. You see, some of the problem is that I don't want to be stuck there, when I have to leave this coming Wednesday for Mobile. We will see how it all turns out. For now, I just had the desire to return to the campsite and hang out.  So I did.

When I got back, nothing had changed of course. I could see my own renovations and excavations, but nobody was gonna go in there. No one cared, and that was a good thing. There were nothing but busy streets around the whole green island (my name for the nine acres). I was actually on the edge of being bored--something that is very rare for me. So I took some shots of the plants...

Last leaf on the vine around, what I have nicknamed, the "Bodhi Tree".

Looking up at the "Bodhi Tree".

Unidentified flowers.

Unidentified vines.

Two trees of the same kind, one wrapped around the other.

Afternoon sun.

The sun went down quickly, and I was tired again, in the same way as the day before. I turned in at around 6:00 pm. And, I slept on and off for the next 12 hours, only getting up occasionally to pee. I almost felt depressed, in that way you feel like you have to stay in bed; like there is no reason to get up; a total lack of motivation.

And, just after 12:00 am I had a disturbing dream; a kind of theme I hadn't dealt with in a long time--years. But that belongs to the next day's chapter.

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