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Saturday, January 9, 2016

A Living Magazine - Day 199 - Homecoming - Anderson: Goodwill and Dark Bushes

Jan had graciously offered to let me work at her house whenever I needed. Fay left in the morning for an appointment. I did spend most of the morning working and then decided to head into town to buy a jacket at the Goodwill down the street, and then continue on to McDonald's to finish the day's post.

I had not forgotten the fight and strange situation from Sunday night. Checking the local news, there were no stories of missing persons or beatings in the area. Still, I felt unsettled about the situation. I would be walking by the same spot on this day and decided to take some pictures. I checked out the route on Google Maps and then headed out.

First stop was Goodwill. It wasn't a very organized place, compared to some of their stores that I'd visited. But the prices for clothes were very good. The coats and jackets were hung along the wall with men's and women's styles all mixed together, with women's sizes dominating. I found one jacket that wasn't too bad, but a bit large for me and had an oil company logo on it. I didn't mind the logo, except that is was a very bright white--not something I'd want to sneak through the woods wearing. I almost bought it, but upon searching through the shirts and sweaters I found the perfect thing. It was a cotton Izod sweater that zipped at the top, like a pullover jacket, with a high collar that would be good for windy days. I wasn't sure how they would price it - as a shirt or a jacket - and I didn't know how well it would fit. It was marked as "XXL" but was short, and looked more like a regular large.

Before leaving Maine, I always went for extra large. But, since I'd lost a big of weight (or rather re-proportioned it) large sizes were fitting quite well. I didn't notice this until I bought my turquoise blue button down that you've seen in so many pictures. And, actually, that was also at a Goodwill on Haight Street in San Francisco. I tried it on, and it fit better than I'd even hoped. I brought it up to the counter, ready to pay $10. Instead, the nice lady told me it was $4.75! She asked me if I wanted to round it up to $5 to contribute a quarter to their school supply donation fund, which of course, I easily agreed to.

I was so happy with the purchase! It was exactly what I needed; small enough to be stowed in the pack, light enough to wear if things got warm, but thick enough (with layers of other shirts under it) to fend off the cold. It would not handle low 20° air, but I would deal with that if/when I got to it.

I started off toward McDonald's with my new comfy sweater on, feeling hungry. Naturally, I was sick of McDonald's food and looked around for another place to have lunch. I saw a place called Ryan's. It advertised itself with a "Steak, Buffet and Bakery" sign. I asked my stomach, and it replied with a resounding, "yes, please!"

So, I walked into the nearly empty restaurant and at the hostess station was a very energetic and perky young woman who really had the spiel down. I didn't check out the prices or anything, but figured it couldn't be too bad, if it was a buffet. Wow, was I right about that. It was only $7.71 for the food, and $1.93 for the drink, or a total of $10.31 after taxes. I took my seat, with Saggy getting the seat across from me and then loaded up a salad, with some spare ribs on the side. The server walked up with my soda and asked how I'd like my steak cooked. I told her I couldn't afford to pay extra for the steak. She said, "Oh! Darlin'! The steak's included! Many as ya want!" Seriously?  

I ordered the sirloin, medium rare, with a side of mashed potatoes. Then I hit the salad bar again. When I returned, my juicy charbroiled steak was waiting for me. And it was delicious (though a tad salty). The server returned and asked how everything was. I told her I loved it. She said, "Just let ma know when ya wannanother!" It said that was pretty unlikely, as I was quickly filling up.

As she walked away, it struck me, how they could afford to do this. Probably everyone gets a steak (there is an alternate choice of pork chop or ground sirloin burger). And, after one of these, a customer is less likely to return to the buffet section as many times.

People from the North would be so happy to visit this part of the country just for prices alone! The food especially, starts out inexpensive, then the sales tax (6% across the board with various surtaxes adding up to a total of not more than 7.13%) is very reasonable. South Carolina has a sales tax holiday for the first week of August (which helps back to school shoppers, but is available to everyone), and seniors 85 or older get a 1% discount on all sales tax. If you like to eat, the South is your best place to do it! (Actually, Missouri was very good in this respect.)

I'd been eating very well here in Anderson, from Fay's meal, to James' treat, to Jan's wonderful homemade chips, mango salsa, cookies (one kind was made by taking two Ritz crackers, dabbing peanut butter between them, then dipping the little sandwich in melted chocolate--fan-friggin-tasctic!); and now this buffet?! I definitely would be putting back whatever pounds had been burned off on the walk to Anderson! And, as we'll see in the next couple posts, the gorging wasn't over yet.

With my distended stomach in front, Saggy on my back, and the camera in my pocket, I walked back out and then down toward McDonald's along Route 28. I soon arrived across from the sleep spot I'd occupied a few days before; the one near the fighting couple...

My sleep spot was essentially right in the center of this photo.

By simple turning slightly to the right, I got a shot of the fighters' spot.

A closeup. Nothing could be seen.

I couldn't really cross the road, because a whole line of traffic passed by. But, I resolved to check it out from the other side sometime before I left town...

On the other side of the road. It was cold for palm trees, but they can grow here.

I got to McDonald's at about 5:00 p.m., and then worked there until about 8:00 p.m., finishing another post. 

The walk back to Jan's was dark and fairly cold. I'd been this way a couple times now, and knew that I could walk on the grass with no major obstacles or red ant hills. I was a bit confused when I reached Airport Road. Three streets run off to the right, with Mary, her street, being the third. 

I'd forgotten that though, and quickly pulled out the laptop to check the screenshot I'd made. Two things manly men (not that I am one, but anyway) need to remember about directions: (1) Ask people, it saves a ton of time, and/or (2) if you have a map of any kind - electronic or otherwise - just use it! There's nothing heroic or self-sufficient about thinking you can figure things out for yourself in an area in which you've never been.

Getting lost is stupid if there are ways to avoid it (believe me, I know, and have proven it in this blog a hundred times), especially in cities and towns. You may enter into a labyrinth of streets for which there is no way out. The cliche of women being smart and just pulling over to ask for the correct route is not altogether mythical. I, as a man, always feel the temptation to just do it all myself. Yet, only after being lost an innumerable amount of times do I truly appreciate swallowing my male pride and just getting the damn directions from anyone I possibly can. Ha! Okay! End of lesson.

I saw the three street pattern, and I found Mary Street and Jan's house. Once I was inside, she and I talked until she had to go to bed. I had planned to work late, but was too tired--probably from my large meal earlier. I went to bed, placing my new sweater on Saggy in the corner, and smiling.



Dear Iwallkers, I would like to sponsor Alex's Iwallk project with an offer of a discount for a product I carry call Cold Bee Gone. You can read more about it by clicking this ad! If you would like to purchase some Cold Bee Gone for yourself or for the holidays we offer you 25% off by typing the code, "IWALLK" into the "Discount" field at checkout. Not only will this bring your purchase cost down (plus shipping which is USPS priority flat rate), but we will donate five dollars per bottle sold directly to Alex and his Journey. This is the height of cold season so we hope this is an appealing option to support your own health through the winter and also support the blog! Bee Well Iwallkers! ~ JCD


Support Dawna Lamson's Simply Smiles fundraising campaign! 

From her page...
Help me support Simply Smiles by making a donation to my Win A Trip campaign! With your help, you can send me to Oaxaca, Mexico or the Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota to work with Simply Smiles. The process is fast, easy, and secure. I truly appreciate any support you can provide. And, no matter the outcome, it will benefit a great cause! 
If you can't make a donation at this point, help me reach my goal by sharing this page on Facebook and Twitter! Or, even better, send an e-mail to friends you think might be interested in contributing and include a link to my page! 
Thanks so much for your generosity!
This will be a wonderful opportunity for Dawna to provide a brighter future for impoverished children, their families, and their communities. It's easy to give! Just click on Dawna's picture below.


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